
Commitment to the SDGs

Environmental Conservation & Energy

  • Recycling of scrap materials from manufacturing
  • Using the MIRAI fuel cell vehicle for company vehicles
  • 5S activities and Kaizen


Through efficient use of resources and recycling, we contribute to waste reduction and the realization of a circulating society.
We also aim for environmentally friendly manufacturing and a sustainable society through the use of clean energy by introducing fuel cell vehicles and improvement activities in the workplace.

Community & Future Generation Development

  • CSR sponsorships (Children's Entrepreneurship, Making Sagamihara's Environment Better)
  • Support for children's development through the MSA Energy Project
  • Training programs in collaboration with educational institutions
  • Acceptance of interns


Through partnerships with local communities and educational institutions, we contribute to the development of local communities and education of the next generation.
In addition to supporting children's learning and growth, we aim to realize a community in which people can continue to live and provide high-quality educational opportunities through social contribution activities.

Workplace Environment & Job Satisfaction

  • Pleasant working environment (promotion of taking paid holidays)
  • Acceptance of interns (part of support for job satisfaction)


Through initiatives that take into consideration employee job satisfaction and work-life balance, we provide a workplace environment where employees can work with peace of mind and for a long time. By promoting a flexible work environment and taking paid holidays, we aim to realize a sustainable and healthy work style.

Innovation & Productivity Enhancement

  • 5S activities and Kaizen
  • Training system in collaboration with educational institutions (as part of technical training and innovation promotion)


We promote sustainable industrial activities and technological development through technological innovation and efficient production infrastructure.
Through improvement activities in the workplace and training programs with educational institutions, we support sustainable growth by improving productivity and passing on skills.